Yes, Virginia IT IS Called SonicBOOM

Sure it was in dispute...but the fact is that the Sidekick 3 music player IS called SonicBoom. It is and here is a legitimate screenshot to prove it. I also contacted a source who verified that is the actual name. So there you have it. So your question to me is "why all the misinformation?" My answer is that when a device is new, and only in prototype form or only in pre-production, there are many different versions that float around and not all of them have the same applications on them. So forget everything that has been said about SonicBoom, it's the name and I am putting the offical BSD information stamp of accuracy on it.
hey bsd u rock. u get more nfo then that othor site. ps science u have to aprove this comment. what first started the rumor train a long time ago . was it the first leaked shot or was it sumthing else. if you get this can you email me
Have A Nice Day!!
looks like a pretty ugly UI to me.
seriously with so much time they had to make a sidekick 3, they designed most of it pretty poorly.
i see the bumper buttons on the previous and next icons on the player. does this mean that the bumpers will still be on it and will they be interchangable?
who cares if you are 1st
This looks fake. The fonts are all wrong and the colors and layout widgets look nothing like any other hiptop ui. Super ugly!
the bumpers are gone, replaced by buttons.
Wow nice phone, like Guile says "sonicboom", even though Ryu was my best character. They should have called it "Aduken". Man, I can't wait till I get the sk3, so far I got $5.64 saved up. No more prepaid Tracfone, yes!!, BSD you rock man, you always stay two steps of hiptop3, keep up the good work, P.S. Are you getting a sk3 BSD, cause all the work your putting into it, you should get a free one, lol... (jaypea)
hiptunes could still be real.. but thats for the "hiptop".. tmobile has "SonicBoom" because they don't advertise with the whole "hip" thing..
Number 1 Site For Sidekick III News YUP!
so, i'm thinking this picture is a fake for two reasons, first, the sk3 is supposed to have edge data services right? then why is the data service indicator on gprs and not edge then? also, none of the pictures that we have seen show any kind of bumper buttons on the top or bottom, but this program uses the (- and -) buttons to navigate? i honestly think that this is either a really good photoshop, or some sidekick II developer created this app but it was not widely published, or it is just a graphics code which was written for the skII platform and now that person is using it to pull the wool over our eyes. perhaps i'm just paranoid. it was kinda odd though that when I pointed that out at there was an almost immediate posting of another "miracle manual page" which pointed out that there would indeed be shoulder buttons on the sidekick anyone else here on the same page as me?
For thoes who keep asking about the bumpers they are flush down, super then so you can't change them. Built in the device.
ok what ever its called we have it.. lets just now find out the definate dates. and prices.
lol pretty cool application, but it looks poorley done, i unno, but i'll use it for sure, but the player looks wack I wish they could have made it a lil more proffessional looking, especially if people will be turning in their ipods...for this...and i don't think thats going to happen if "Word of mouth" advertising starts to heppen w/ this phone.
Wow, that's hideous. I find it hard to believe that the Danger folks, who seem to value a simple, clean interface, would create that over-rounded, hyper-beveled atrocity. This is one time I'm DEFINITELY hoping it's a fake.
hiptunes/kicktunes sound waaay better than ... Sonicboom. Besides, as a mac user ... Hip/kicktunes is close to itunes ... So you know the deal ... I wonder if they'll run into any legal battles with apple for using "tunes" in their media player???
TO the person who commented about the GPRS being shown on the screen. The MDA uses EDGE as well, but you have to actually go into the registry to hack it to show E(dge) instead of G(prs) on the screen. So dont assume that because it shows GPRS on the screen, that it isnt at EDGE speed.
About the player, I think that the SonicBoom lay out is more realistic. I dont see the actual player saying "Play MP3 or Play OGG" It would just say a song and title, the player knows the different formats.
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