Hiptunes Pic: Dirty Trick, Sick Joke or a Possibility?

Sometimes it's hard to know what is real and what is photoshopped garbage. This came in tonight, and though I can't imagine it's real I am posting it anway because someone took the time to create it. This one actually looks legit to me, but it also looks like they stole some elements from the SonicBoom pic and then created a Danger-style interface to fill in the page. The only way I think it could be real is if SonicBoom was the name for T-Mobile and a DIFFERENT carrier decided to call it Hiptunes. I at least know SonicBoom is real, so anything Hiptunes related I have to call fake on. What do you supersleuths say?
i think and also hope that sonicBOOM is fake. hiptunes looks much better. hopefully you take back that BSD approval and put it on hiptunes ;)
that could be old, check the date it say may, but the sonicboom say june so they could have changed it ya dumb ya havent thought about that YEAHHHHH
one winged angel and mega man? whoever made this fake likes video game music but doesn't really have a clue about creating a good UI
maybe their different programs for t-mobile and hiptop..i guess..this one looks ok looking, i like the hiptunes one also.
Could it be that hip tunes and sonic boom are two diff programs?
Perhaps they have different functions...
I think these all might be programs that didnt make it but are something they played with during development?
How are these screenshots being created in the firstplace? Does the SK3 have a print screen button lol?
Yea that hiptunes pic looks hott damn! Sonicboom looks rushed and sloppy
This looks more realistic than the SonicBOOM screenshot because the buttons and load bar are actually something you see on the sk2. The SonicBOOM one just looks too complex in a very sloppy way.
I wanna know if you can create your own ringtones?
Ever thought about the possibility that the sk3 may offer both players as an option ... Maybe hiptunes offers something that sonicboom doesn't! Kind of like how the calculator and graphic calculator are both calculators, but one serves a different purpose than another!!! Something to think about?
this looks like a old version of the hiptunes dev app for the sk2
No way . A user-friendly interface would never have an "open mp3" as well as an "open ogg" button!!
FAKE!!!!, I believe that was an earlier idea for the sk2, it has the gprs symbol up in the corner, where is the edge at. The layout looks like the sk2. I bet the next pic of the music player, will have edge somewhere to be seen... (jaypea)
I agree with Manni.... no good UI will have two "open" buttons. Either this is fake or a pre-release alpha version of the software.
Open OGG? I don't think so. That's a geek's fantasy :) The layout is poor, wasted space everywhere. At least it looks like SideKick UI. I call fake. I'll even go so far as to postulate that, at this point, we may not have seen *anything* real - music player or otherwise - as far as apps go.
If there IS a music player, it's probably called "Music Player". If there is such a thing as HipTunes or KickTunes, it might be called that, but the Danger UI style is to name things what they are. They don't call "Phone" SuperTALK+. Likewise, Camera isn't called "ImageShare", and Calculator isn't "NumberCrunch Pro".
SonicBOOM has to be one of the stupidest names/designs I've seen yet, and is almost cerainly fake. I think BSD is sticking his neck out too far on that one.
it's already been speculated that HipTunes is what "HipTop" carriers have and SonicBOOM is what TMobile has. Also, why is the date on this picture from a month ago?
also how come the color that fills in the battery && signal indicators are a shade or 2 darker than the SonicBOOM picture
its possibly legit and the name sonicBoom could be a an idea of a developer on the programming team to honor guile from capcom's street fighter...hiptunes just would play well if u called the sk3, the hiptop3, and tmobile alway got them zany idea (gosh u gotta love them!! d-telecom interlopers!! fürkin-shwëët), but were all in the dark...except the r&d engineers or field technicians at tmobile leakin the truth to the masses, lucky ppls...glad I passed up on the mda...long live the sk3!
na i dont think danger wiull put the same ugly buttons...
hey just to let u know since yall think u are sidekick experts, t mobile is the only company who can carry sidekicks. danger and t mobile have an exclusive agreement. just wanted to let all the sidekick experts know that you might wanna check your sourcesand get it right before u post blogs
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