Sidekick Stolen, Global Shaming Campaign Commences

I wasn't going to link to this, but it has truly become one of the biggest sensations on the Internet in the last 48 hours. A girl had her Sidekick stolen by some lovely New Yorkers and when she got a new SIM and had her account transferred she got all the pictures that the thieves had taken of themselves and she began posting. The pic on the left is a shot the thief took of herself. It's a great read as this girl has lead a successful global campaign to shame them and thanks to and other sites, it looks like she has had over a million hits on her site. Have a look, read her story.
and second, she is ugggggly and stupid, and I hope they get it back, this is ridiculous, she is still using the phone!!! Too bad he can get a SK3 now, lol.
Should have waited for SK3 lol
I love the internet! :D
Hells Yeah! :P
Ahem, This is a friend of hers that is leading this crusade.. it reven lists that on the website. This has been going on for quite some time (a few days) but has managed to bring nearly ten different bulletin boards (including google groups) to their knees.
I live right near that address posted on the site. Too bad I'm extremely lazy
lmao this chick is mad dumb! i would have returned the fone as soon as i found it lol.... a sidekick is not worh being embarrsed for! i was cracking up the whole timee
Man who's gonna steal a sidekick she's dumb for that.
someone stole mine...let me find some pictures on there when I get the new one (I had to order it off of eBay, since T-mobile no longer sells them...grrr)....
....I should have just waited until June 28th....
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